The Project offers innovative solutions to foster integration of people with disadvantaged background and fewer opportunities into the labour market by 1) upgrading their low soft skills coherent with the employment-related key competences: sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, social and civic competences, digital competences and learning to learn; 2) improving the quality of training provided by adult education (AE) organisations active in employment-related training in order to attract low-skilled people and motivate them to learn. Thus, the project contributes to “Europe 2020” strategy to reach employment rate of 75% as well to achieve benchmark of 15% of learners’ participation in lifelong learning as defined in European agenda for adult learning.
The objectives are: to contribute to a reduction of number of low-skilled adults; to increase motivation of people with disadvantaged background and fewer opportunities through participatory approach; to facilitate access for learners to employment-related training by offering tailored for individual learners learning opportunities based on Open Educational Resources (OERs); to increase motivation of people with disadvantaged background and fewer opportunities to learn by providing information on validation of non-formal and informal learning; to strengthen the capacities of AE organisations active in employment-related training to offer high quality ICT-based training tailored for individual learners with disadvantaged background and fewer opportunities; to enhance the professional development of AE staff by introducing new innovative educational methods: reversed training, Open Educational Resources (OERs), blended-learning approach with new role of trainer as facilitator, and to increase the adaptability of employment-related learning to the nowadays labour market’s needs by reinforcing social partnership between AE organisations, labour exchange offices and world of work (enterprises).
Seeking to address these objectives two main intellectual outputs will be developed for two main project’s target groups:
- people with disadvantaged background and fewer opportunities - Innovative model for integration into labour market (IMILM model) based on ICT-enabled solutions and OERs;
- AE organisations and their staff – AE organisation modernisation model (AEOM model) to ensure the effective implementation of the new educational methods and tools proposed within the IMILM model.
The methodology for developing IMILM model is based on participatory approach and use of online tools tailored for learners. The main results are: Self-need analysis tool, Set of employment-related OERs, Knowledge portfolio, Action plan, User guide for learners. Piloting of IMILM model will be done with 75 learners with fewer opportunities. The website part for learners provides them with open access to the learning tools of IMLIM model. The national groups in social network (Facebook) for learners will ensure the feedback from testing the IMILM model. As well they will contribute to the sustainable use of the IMLIM model beyond the project’s lifetime.
The AEOM model is a supplementary intellectual output designed to strengthen the capacities of AE organisations to apply the innovative IMILM model effectively in their daily work. The methodology of AEOM model is based on applying reversed training, Open Educational Resources (OERs), new role of a trainer as facilitator to ensure the learners’ participatory approach. This output consists of interrelated methodological materials: e-Guidebook for AE organisations for implementation of the IMILM model; Collection of good practices with learners’ success stories; Framework for social partnership between AE organisations, Labour Exchange Offices and Employer’s organisations. European group in social network (LinkedIn) will be a place where adult educators will have a possibility to provide feedback on the AEOM model. This group will also contribute to the sustainable use of the AEOM model by AE organisations and their staff beyond the project’s partnership and lifetime.
The main impact on learners with disadvantaged background and fewer opportunities is upgrading their soft skills coherent with employment-related key competences with the longer-term benefit: fostering their integration into the nowadays labour market. Thus, the expected impact of the project after its lifetime is the reduction in number of low-skilled adults by increasing the level of their soft skills and increased employment rate of people with disadvantaged background and fewer opportunities.
The main impact on AE organisations active in employment-related training is strengthening their capacities to offer high quality ICT-based learning opportunities tailored for individual learners with disadvantaged background and fewer opportunities with the longer term benefit - increasing the level of learners’ participation in employment-related training.